Greenwood Park i Harare

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ZimbabweGreenwood Park


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Harare, Zimbabwe
kontakter telefon: +263 4 720 764
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Latitude: -17.8180449, Longitude: 31.0577894

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brandan M Nyathi


    It's now in poor form and lacks proper management... You cannot spend the whole day because of less activities in the park

  • Plats Walla

    Plats Walla


    One of the few well maintained parks. Keep it up

  • Allan Brian Chibisa

    Allan Brian Chibisa


    Spacious park. Walking distance from the CBD and in a quiet neighbourhood.

  • Tendai Midzi

    Tendai Midzi


    It is a nice park but with few benches so visitors tend to sit on the grass more often. Usually has neatly trimmed grass. Has a large amount of shade and small metal plates on trees help identify what type of tree it is.

  • Tinashe Farai Chikazhe

    Tinashe Farai Chikazhe


    The place is not well looked after but has potential to be an amazing park and reclaim its former glory.

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