Union Hardware, Workington i Harare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZimbabweUnion Hardware, Workington



🕗 åbningstider

Burnley Road, Harare, Harare, ZW Zimbabwe
kontakter telefon: +263 4 754 880
internet side: www.unionhardware.co.zw
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -17.849003, Longitude: 31.023988

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tayedza Chakara


    Pleasant shopping environment for hardware goods. Receptive staff knowledgeable of the products in their respective departments.

  • Bilal Shuaib

    Bilal Shuaib


    Really like the new layout of the store! Makes for an even better shopping experience.

  • en

    Voice of Concern


    Wide selection of tiles Good quality taps and fittings Large paint selection from interior to exterior and other specialty paint. Has a proud history of decent hardware supply at decent prices. Everything you need when building your house can be found at Union Hardware. Very friendly staff and modern shop layout with displays and they deliver too.

  • en

    Arthur Matthews


    One of the best one stop hardware shop where a wide range of electrical, plumbing, paints, building materials and tools can be bought at competitive prices. Also secure parking is there

  • Wilfred Tom

    Wilfred Tom


    Nice and spacious place. Excellent service and customer care. Very low prices and discounts

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