National Art Gallery i Harare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZimbabweNational Art Gallery



🕗 åbningstider

Park Lane, Harare, Harare, ZW Zimbabwe
kontakter telefon: +263 4 704 666
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Latitude: -17.8249883, Longitude: 31.0488068

kommentar 5

  • Fortune Murire

    Fortune Murire


    A gallery worth visiting. Full of contemporary stuff. Good way to spend a lazy afternoon

  • tinashe mkudu

    tinashe mkudu


    The Art Gallery is now showing its age and could use a bit of sprucing up to be more modern in keeping with the times. The show pieces are somewhat interesting and were current when I was last there for a visit.

  • Lolo Chin

    Lolo Chin


    Art and I can never be separated. They recently show cased the historic moment of Zimbabwe .well, it is always different every other time i visit and the pieces take me away.The hand crafted fashionable clothes and bags , to the jewelry tempt me to loosen my pocket too.Oh and the cafe is my other meet up joint , thanks Vuyo for the refreshing herbal tea .

  • Othnell Moyo

    Othnell Moyo


    Beautiful spacious gallery. Good coffee shop that does Wednesday open mic sessions as a way to give a platform to artists.

  • en

    Takudzwa Matinenga


    Really great pieces there... there is also a lovely cafe for all your refreshments, snacks and meals. There is also an outdoor are in the park with more art and plenty of space to sit, write and think.

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