Mbare Netball Complex i Harare

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ZimbabweMbare Netball Complex


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Pazarangu Avenue, Harare, Harare, ZW Zimbabwe
kontakter telefon: +263
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Latitude: -17.86746, Longitude: 31.0336548

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dorcas Jaridi


    Very good bt needs maintanance

  • en

    Kudakwashe Gunda Mberikunashe


    .. .am a netball fun tts where the magic happens for pre-season games .. .super league division one and two.. .november, jan and feb

  • Othnell Moyo

    Othnell Moyo


    Beautiful place but poorly maintained. The whole sport complexes around it are state of the art but due to vandalism and poor management has drastically gone done. But the people they are so dedicated to their sport and if you go to number 7ground at Sunrise or sunset you see scores of people from Mbare working out and so are the Netballers and Basketball ears who benefit from the structure.

  • en

    knox gunda


    It is Zimbabwe's national netball stadium . 1995 All African games netball competition were held here.

  • Julius Muzenda

    Julius Muzenda


    This is a very good place for everyone. Feel free to come

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