Market Square Bus Terminal i Harare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZimbabweMarket Square Bus Terminal


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Bute Street, Harare, Harare, ZW Zimbabwe
kontakter telefon: +263 77 437 2498
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Latitude: -17.837052, Longitude: 31.041931

kommentar 5

  • Ordeal Dube

    Ordeal Dube


    Crowded and busy area!!!

  • Patrick Gomezani

    Patrick Gomezani


    Too crowded

  • Tasho Makunike

    Tasho Makunike


    The area is a bit crowded and not the cleanest part of town but the cheap goods on sale from the street vendors make up for it

  • Tapera Mpofu

    Tapera Mpofu


    Its where you get public transport to the Southern Subarbs i.e. Glen Norah , Glen View , Budiriro, Southerton, Southlea Park. However due to the size of the space it is heavily congested by public transport ( commuter omnibuses/Taxis). Other driver driving around this terminus shoild avoid to do ao especialy during peak periods (1630-1830)

  • en

    Gladman Mafukidze


    This place haaa dirtness hey ⛅

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