Kadoma Hotel and Conference Center i Kadoma

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZimbabweKadoma Hotel and Conference Center


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Eiffel Flats Road, Kadoma, Kadoma, ZW Zimbabwe
kontakter telefon: +263 4 757 090
internet side: rainbowkadomahotel.com
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Latitude: -18.331755, Longitude: 29.922963

kommentar 5

  • Simbarashe Charonga

    Simbarashe Charonga


    Make a date and you won't be disappointed

  • Sitholubuhle Magutshwa

    Sitholubuhle Magutshwa


    Its an okay place. The carpeted rooms are not so clean so would advise anyone going there to ask for a tiled room. I sneezed the whole night and they changed me the next day. Staff is cooperative though and the food is okay not first class but just okay

  • Victor Matups

    Victor Matups


    Good place for workshops loving the peacocks and the ambience is beautiful

  • mercy jaravani

    mercy jaravani


    Stayed there once, it was an Ok experience. Nothing worth writing home about. I think its an ideal venue for conferences and workshops. Other than that, i just stop over for recess when passing through from Harare

  • Calvin Jackson

    Calvin Jackson


    Was not impressed with the dining. We there was one waitress, who served us and everyone else. She had note book, she forgot some of the items we ordered. When we asked for for the itema, she dash off to the kitchen and came back when we were halfway through out meal. To make it worse, she had a terrible cough.

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